Anxious Housewife

Potato Leek Soup


- 4 large white potatoes, peeled and cubed

- 1 large leek, thotoughly washed and chopped

- approximately 6 cloves of garlic (use however much you want, honestly)

- 1/2 cup milk, or milk substitute of your choice if you're dairy free

- 1 32oz carton of choice of stock (I use chicken, but veggie or fish is nice too)

- fat source (I like to use about 1/4 cup of chopped bacon, but you can also use 2-4 tablespoons of butter or oil)

- 1 Tbsp flour

- Salt and Pepper to taste


Step 1 - Sautee the garlic with the bacon pieces and/or butter/oil for approximately 5 minutes, or until the spirits of your ancestors whisper to you that it is goo enough. Add the Tbsp of flour and make a light roux.

Step 2 - When the roux reaches the desired light golded brown color ass 1 cup of stock, and some salt and pepper to taste. Stir gently before adding in the potatoes and leeks, then stir again.

Step 3 - Add the rest of your stock and the milk/milk substitute. You may choose to add water or more stock if you like your soup runnier. Mix well and cook on medium heat for 20 minutes, or until the potatoes soften to fork tender. Stir a final time before serving, taking a moment to smash a few (but not all) of the potatoes against the side of the pot with a spoon.

Serve with crusty, buttery bread. Adding cheese is also nice. So is fish.

I love this soup so much and it's stupid easy to make. Enjoy!


Anxious Housewife